Christine Levrot

Introduced to yoga at the turn of the century, I relearned to live, breathe and move. Since then, I have never left my mat again. In 2010, I wanted to bring this art of movement and life to others, as one offers a precious gift to the people one loves. It was with Lyne St-Roch that I completed my first yoga teacher training 250H Level 1 in 2011. I very humbly guide, on a voluntary basis, a group of women at the Center Multi du Y des femmes de Montréal for 4 beautiful years. By an ever greater need to explore the teaching, practice and adaptation of asanas, I chose a 200H training with Hart Lazer. 

In 2015, my mother had a stroke causing hemiplegia. It was then that I began to see yoga through another lens, that of people with disabilities who did not have access to it. The path of teaching adapted yoga dawned on me. Several trainings followed, Yoga for seniors (Carole Morency), Yoga & physiotherapy (Hart Lazer), Special Yoga for Special Children Level 1 & 2 SY Senior Practitioner. 

In collaboration with (and thanks to) the Center Philou, #yogachezphilou was born in February 2019 and it is a privilege to develop this project every day to guide children with multiple disabilities on the path to yoga adapted to their body and their heart.  

This is how I want to guide, step by step, what life has bequeathed to me most beautiful and greatest: Freedom through a subtle movement that keeps us alive.

I continue to study with Special Yoga and have completed many courses over the years to keep up to date with the latest research on using yoga as a therapy.